Why does my vehicle keep going into Deep Sleep Mode? I have driven it in the past 14 days.
Deep Sleep Mode is a power-saving feature for your vehicle. It turns off the connected features of its FordPass Connect™ modem.
If you find that your vehicle is going into Deep Sleep Mode, even though you have driven it in the past 14 days, this is likely due to a weakened battery.
In most cases, this issue can be resolved by a one-hour drive at highway speeds, or between 1,500 and 3,000 RPM. While driving, refrain from using electronics inside the vehicle (radio, phone charger, etc.)
City driving, where your vehicle frequently stops, does not provide a consistent RPM, and will not adequately charge your battery.
If you continue to have issues with Deep Sleep Mode, please reach out to your Preferred Dealer to schedule a battery check.